Venice, BOOK LAUNCH NORTHWAVE Overview of video art in the Nordic Countries

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 5 p.m. will be presented the book Northwave written by Lorella Scacco at the Scuola dei Calegheri in Venice. The book, published by Silvana Editoriale, offers a broad survey of developments in Nordic Countries video art since the 60′s until nowadays and the poetics developed by artists. Particular attention has given to artists who have worked since the 90s until the most recent generation. The book is bilingual (Italian / English) and is divided into two parts: an essay that investigates the early video experiments of the 60s and 80s in the five Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) and then goes to the “Nordic Miracle” in the 90s and up to nowadays, describing the issues, trends and work of the artists. The second part consists of about sixty profiles of the recent generation of video artists. Enclosed to the book a DVD showcases some video preview of the artists.
Nordic artists in the book: Eija-Liisa Ahtila, J Tobias Anderson, Lauri Astala, Rikke Benborg, Lene Berg, Tobias Bernstrup, Johanna Billing, Elina Brotherus, Kjell Bjørgeengen, Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Jonas Dahlberg, Morten Dysgaard, Jeannette Ehlers, Öyvind Fahlström, Maria Friberg, Marit Følstad, Bodil Furu, Veli Granö, Sigurdur Gudjónsson, Crispin Gurholt, Terike Haapoja, Eeva-Mari Haikala, Siri Hermansen, Marianne Heske, Laura Horelli, Henrik Håkansson, Sanna Kannisto, Eva Koch, Joachim Koester, Ragnar Kjartansson, Lotte Konow Lund, Lisa Jeannin, Jesper Just, Henrik Lund Jørgensen, Ane Lan, Peter Land, Annika Larsson, Petra Lindholm, Ann Lislegaard, Marita Liulia, Liisa Lounila, Cecilia Lundqvist, Olafur Olafsson & Lybia Castro, Anu Pennanen, Heli Rekula, Aurora Reinhard, Seppo Renvall, Jani Ruscica, Rúrí, Eino Ruutsalo, Torbjørn Rødland, Jeannette Land Schou, Ann-Sofi Sidén, Lars Siltberg, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Mika Taanila, The Icelandic Love Corporation, Santeri Tuori, Jacob Tækker, Salla Tykkä, Roi Vaara, Steina Vasulka, Gitte Villesen, Magnus Wallin, Knut Åsdam, ect.
The book launching will comprise a video screening of some of the Nordic video artists included in the book. The video screening will be visible for the entire June 4 at the Scuola dei Calegheri. At the event will participate a group of artists named in the book.
Lorella Scacco is an art critic, journalist and independent curator of cultural events. She graduated in History of Contemporary Art and Aesthetic. Member of SIE, the Italian Aesthetics Society. She has curated exhibitions and edited catalogues for contemporary art exhibitions in public and private spaces in Italy and abroad, as Artext, La Triennale, Milan (2006), Mobile Journey, 52nd Venice Biennale (2007) and The Hot Season – Italian Art Now, Stenersen Museum, Oslo (2008). She contributes to specialized art magazines. She is an expert in the contemporary art of Nordic countries and in the new media art. Author of Estetica mediale. Da Jean Baudrillard a Derrick de Kerckhove published by Guerini, Milan 2004.
The volume is supported by the following Nordic Countries institutions:
- NORDISK KULTURFOND, The Nordic Culture Fund
- FRAME, Finnish Fund for Art Exchange, Helsinki, Finland
- AVEK, Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture, Helsinki, Finland
- DANISH ARTS COUNCIL, Copenaghen, Denmark
- CIA, Center for Icelandic Art, Reykjavík, Iceland.
The video screening is realized in collaboration with the Municipality of Venice, the Embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and the Cultural Association QUU.
- Book Title: NORTHWAVE. Overview of video art in Nordic Countries
- Publishing Editor: Silvana Editoriale
- Launch/Opening: June 3, 2009 h. 5 p.m.
- Opening place: Scuola dei Calegheri, Campo San Tomà, Venice Stop ferry boat San Tomà
- Video-screening time: June 3, 2009 h. 6 – 8 p.m.
- June 4, 2009 h. 10 – 13 a.m. / 3 – 7 p.m.
- In collaboration with: Municipality of Venice, the Embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and the Cultural Association QUU.
- Info: Lidia Masolini, tel. +39.02.61836287
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